Pathfinder: A Planning & Exploration Guide by Students for Students

An online guide developed by students, Pathfinder enables incoming first-generation, low-income students and undergrads to chart their own academic paths through their four years at Yale. For each semester and each year, the website notes specific resources and deadlines, as well as advice for campus involvement and career exploration. Pathfinder includes a workbook in which students can fill in their courses, co-curricular activities, internships, and faculty and professional contacts, as well as steps toward securing post-graduate fellowships, education, and employment. Because each student’s journey is unique, Pathfinder is not meant to tell students exactly what to do. Instead, the guide pulls together in one place information that is otherwise scattered and that underserved students in particular might find difficult to access. Pathfinder was developed by Satia Hatami ’25 and Tony Wang ’25, with contributions from Bernice Wong ’24; all three students were 1stGenYale Summer Bulldogs in 2022.

View their introductory video here.

Pathfinder can be found on Revēlo, a website that 1stGenYale runs as a resource guide for students.

Read more: “New Website Aims to Help FGLI Students Chart Academic Journey,” by Brian Zhang, Yale Daily News, October 26, 2022