“Different career fields, different ages, different backgrounds — all in one place”: this comment by Grace Kim ’22 perfectly describes the ninth annual Career Networking Mixer. More than 75 students and alums gathered over dinner at the Afro-American Cultural Center at the close of Assembly & Convocation. Graduate students and undergrads with majors ranging from sociology to biomedical studies had the chance to meet and ask questions of a management consultant, a public health professor, a software engineer, a fintech startup founder, a high school STEM teacher, and alums with other professional interests. But the conversations were not limited to career paths. Ash Duong ’25 MBA noted that attendees touched on “difficult life questions that students can relate to,” and Rena Liu ’26 talked with alums about “what it means to live a good life, what it means to do something meaningful.”
Watch more here: https://youtu.be/_erjYuFnYT8